AUGUST 2003 Closet |
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7:03 pm August 30
But I love to update...
...that's my argument! Still no web access in my room, but by golly we're working on it. Sadly, it may be another week before the incompetence that is the PHONE COMPANY, will open the service. Oh well, my patience has always seemed to be one of my better virtues. Things have been going wonderfully. I've been very blessed this past week, especially with money. Getting full refunds on books which I didn't need, finding paper money in the strangest places, and having been generously GIVEN the game that I have been saving for and drooling over for the past 3 months...SOUL CALIBER 2! I have such great friends.
Soul Caliber 2 is everything I thought it would be. It's beautiful, it has great music and, above all, the gameplay is pretty much flawless. Let's not forget about the addition of Link to the GameCube version. He can, of course, kick some serious rear as well.
I started guitar lessons yesterday and I must say, good times. I'm looking forward to this semester.
Well, my friends. I wish you all a safe and happy weekend. Adios amigos.
1:57 pm August 22
Having withdrawals? Not me!
Konichiwaz! It's Friday and I'm back home for the weekend. My apologies for not posting all week but I couldn't find the time. Not to mention our lack of internet access in the Dorms of Hell. No worries though, friends, I've been having a great time. I've been so busy with classes too! I have a sculpture lab on Tuesdays and Thursdays that's from 12:30 to 3 friggin 20! That makes me sad mainly because it's so boring. Sculpture isn't really my cup of tea, per say. However, I have a couple of friends in there with me (who happen to be cute girls) that I had art classes with last year so it's all good. Overall, I'm having a hilarious and ridiculously insane semester and it's only been the first week.
So far I've made about 5 new friends and 0 new enemies. A new high score considering the time frame.
Do I miss home? Sure I do, but only because of my family. I love being with my dawgs in Suite O, laughing it up and acting genuinely insane at all hours of the night, but personally, I need nice quiet time to reflect and just chill. There's just so much going on at school and my only break is when I sleep. I'm not complaining. I love it.
I have one more thing to share. A couple nights ago I sat down at my computer and was feeling creative so I opened up Paint and drew a picture that I think looks pretty swell. Have a look.
Until next time, kids. Laterz!
1:06 pm August 16
Raw things are delicious.
Last night, I was treated to my first plate of sushi. I ordered some Tuna, Crab, Red Snapper, and the California Roll (which was cucumber, crab, and some other stuff all rolled with sesames and fish eggs). Quite yummy. I admit I was sort of nervous at first but, surprisingly not really that much. I had been waiting to try sushi for such a long time. There's sort of an obsession I have with Japanese culture, and this was one of the zeniths that I've experienced so far. So, who else like sushi? Let's have some feed back on the message boards. Abuse your power!
6:28 pm August 13
I'm back- ta friggin' da!
Hello friends and enemies alike. How are things? Did you get infected by the Blaster worm? I didn't. But then again I haven't been on the net in 3 days. Reasons? Because I've been having band rehearsals and also I've moved into my dorm at college. I officially start next Monday and you can bet I'm not all that thrilled. I like to be with my buddies and have a good time, but I dunno...there's always that unsettling feeling that pours over me. To make matters worse, I've been thinking a lot about my recent issues and the ultimate outcome looks quite bleak. This fact is also screwing my mind and soul to the point of depression. Part of me simply says, "Give it time and it'll blow over," which is good advice, save I stop thinking about it. Whereas another part says, "Push it down and stop allowing people's stupid actions to rule my thoughts." Ah, if only I could. Oh, I'm sorry...are you lost? Relationships are a pain.
I can overcome. I know it!
8:43 pm August 9
[Insert topic here]
For some reason, I feel extra crappy today. I had a surge of worthlessness and loneliness. I miss my ex-girlfriend a lot. I miss the normalness between us. I'm not the type to talk about this stuff, but right now I need an outlet for all this pent-up emotion. I hate to complain about my problems and I'm really sure you guys are already bored. So, I'll just stop there. With that said, I leave you with this. I hope it makes you smile.
10:55 pm August 7
The frosty sea has dried.
Hello all! How's every little thing? Some of you may be pleased to know that, after many weeks of weirdness, my car is no longer leaky. It seems that there was some...uh...blockage? I suppose that's the correct's a funny word nevertheless. Anyways, my auto-esteem has slightly risen since and I'm feeling more perky. I expect it to pass.
In other stuff, I stumbled upon this cool little quiz. Try it out and laugh. I DARE YOU!!
I'm a Gauntlet Adventurer. Adios amigos!
7:32 pm August 6
Hello readers! (all 2 of you) I trust your day has gone well. As for mine, it's treated me pretty good. The highest point of my day was that I finally beat Chrono Cross. I was a bit surprised that my final time was only 30:23. Don't get me wrong, the game rocks and has very good reply value with it's multiple endings and forks in the game, but 30 hours? C'mon! So, you may be asking, "Why are you just now beating that old game?" Well, you have some attitude! I'd like to defend myself by saying, I got CC a year ago on my birthday and for some reason, whenever I played, it got so boring. "BLASPHEMY!" cries the angry mob. Sorry guys, I don't know why it was so dull to me. The important thing is that I eventually got around to playing CC and I love it. I think I may have gotten the best ending but I'm not sure and I don't want to post any spoilers on the home page so, I'll start a topic in the Forum.
As far as actual human interaction or normal things that happened today, it's blank. I haven't even been outside today. Oh wait...yeah, I went outdoors for a few minutes. How pitiful. Oh well, the planet didn't explode today so I don't feel so bad. Thanks for reading!
Oh, before I forget! If you're an anime fan, check out Furi Kuri (Fooly Cooley). It's on after Family Guy on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. It's weird and funny and very awesome. It'll change your life. Well, that is if you haven't already been changed. Peace out!
7:30 pm August 3
Karsh: An Unforgettable Warrior
One of the 4 Devas |
Son of Zappa and second-in-command of the 4 Devas of El Nido. In charge of keeping up peace in Termina and the surrounding islands, the Devas are the most elite team of warriors around. That said, there is no doubt that Karsh is a force not to be reckoned with. With his mighty axe, he is more than willing to bash a few heads in order to get the job done. Growing up, he would often train with his best friend, Dario. Along with his friends, Glenn (brother of Dario) and Riddel, (daughter of Lord Viper), they developed a close bond; especially with Riddel. Although both Karsh and Dario had strong feelings for her, she chose Dario. Keeping his feelings bottled inside, Karsh lived the painful role of support for the lovers. Once best friends with former Deva, Dario, the 2 were separated when they came upon the legendary and tainted sword, Masamune. When the evil from the sword started to control Dario, he attacked Karsh against his will. Forced to protect himself and Riddel, which whom the controlled Dario threaded to kill, Karsh struck down his comrade and sent him to his grave. Stricken with guilt and waves of sorrow, he is suddenly approached by Lynx who creates for Karsh, a different story of what really happened in order to avoid Karsh's inevitable execution. After the ordeal at the Isle of the Dammed, a story of how the great hero Dario was slain by demons began to circulate. His death made him a glorified legend in Termina as well as causes his brother Glenn to become a great warrior. Struggling with his memories, Karsh keeps his secret to himself and vows to protect Riddel as best he can. |