December 2003 Closet |
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7:37 PM December 26, 2003
The Post Christmas Tummy Ache
How many of you have been watching the Tech TV, Call For Help-a-thon today? Besides Cowboy Bebop, it's been the only other thing on my TV screen all day long. I think it's killing my cells. Anyways, yeah, I'm having major body aches and the such today. Maybe it's rickets from the gratuitous lack of sunlight, but who's to say? Hmm, I should drink some orange juice, stat. Now that I think of it though, a steady diet of party food could be the culprit.
If you haven't noticed already, I haven't much to say. I've been taking a lot of pictures of various things around my home. Notice today's cam, for example. Expect many more weird and random pictures in the weeks to come. Thanks for letting me share my boring life with you guys and have a happy New Year!
5:54 PM December 23, 2003
You've all seen Return of the King, I'm sure, so I won't bore you with my opinions. (0wned!!1) Anyways, check this site out: The Elvish Name Generator.
Happy Christmas, bros!!
9:16 PM December 11, 2003
Some people devote much of their lives to a single cause. May it be school, work, a special person or something material, it can have an obsessive hold upon the person, driving them to measures that can be viewed, from the outside, as madness. Take my roommate Jonathan for example. If you read yesterday's post, you know about the computer fiasco but let me bring you up to date anyways. After assembling the components and screwing and adjusting, as is customary, he at at last adds a key part, the power source. Alas, it is not compatible with his ATX motherboard. Sadness ensues. (That was last night.)
This morning:
I took my Algebra final. Two words: "Dear Jesus!" But let's not get into that. ::ahem:: Afterwards, I slowly skulk up to my room, mumbling obscenities and curses, and there I am met by a surprisingly chipper Jonathan. He asks questions, I avoid them while I pack the rest of my stuff. His plan is to go back again to Comp USA and buy the power source that I myself had suggested he buy the night prior. Instead of replying, I hesitate, cringe and continue packing. However, being the best friend that I am, instead suggested going to a computer store in Starkville, which is only about 45 minutes past my house. Needless to say, the trip was much easier than going to Jackson and it gave me an opportunity to go home before starting on another insane quest. So, skipping ahead, we make it to the computer shop (after calling and confirming that they had an ATX power source in stock) and it appears, they are all out. What in the crap? -_- The kind geek did suggest that he buy a case, which came with the exact power source that he needed. This highlighted the fact that the previous night, was a complete waste of time.
So, blah blah blah.... He removes the guts from the new-old case and assembles them into the new-new case. Guess what? The hard drives - they're empty.
I just got off the phone with him and he's very sad. I suggested that he take a break from this computer obsession because basically, that's all he does during the week at school. He refuses to. He said it would be worse. To me, it doesn't seem healthy, but who am I to say what's healthy. I am an otaku after all.
Obsessions can make people do crazy things.
8:25 PM December 10, 2003
Oh the humanity!
Building a computer is weird business. My roommate ordered a new motherboard, processor, and RAM only to eventually realize that his current CPU case is much too big. SO, besides driving 40 minutes to pick up the components, we had to drive an additional hour to Comp USA for a new tower. ::Phew:: I am very exhausted. One more final, though. One more...fin.....zzZZzzzZZzz....
1:23 PM December 8, 2003
I look into the distance, a ray of hope shines bright.
Well folks, it's finals week. However, studying hasn't quite been my top priority. I hope that I can eventually bribe myself into looking over some notes, reading some silly books and working some miserable algebra problems. I hate studying, but then again, who LOVES it? ::sigh::
I'm currently in a great deal of pain because I struck my right knee on a yet to be unidentified object yesterday. Not only that, my top left wisdom tooth is FINALLY deciding to show up for the party. I swear, I don't want to get those things removed but man, life would be so sweet without 'em. My bottom ones are being weird and shifting my teeth ever so slightly in a tectonic-esque fashion. This fact could lead to the inevitable surgery. ::shudder:: Merry Christmas to me.
As far as positive this are concerned, I only have a few more days until Winter Break rolls around. I don't know what kind of Winter Break you guys have, but down here, we don't mess around. A whole month of holiday is what I have been looking forward to every day since mid-terms. So far I've finished my shopping for everyone except my best friend Jonathan. He wants a Game Boy Advance game so, I guess I can make his dreams come true. It is after all, the season
12:32 AM December 2, 2003
Don't go in there!!
The spirit of giving and kindness has donned its hockey mask, is slowly approaching you from behind, breathing heavily and brandishing a very large, very rusty, butcher knife. I told you not to go into that door, but you didn't listen. You're about to get brutally massacred by Christmas and there's nothing you can do to stop it and terrifyingly, it's a serial killer.
But hey! We all love being killed, right?
I've been giving much thought on this years holiday lists (both mine and my friends'), and the stress has stricken me earlier than usual. I feel that 25 days is NOT enough time to find everyone that perfect Yule-tide trinket that tells them, "I care, jackass." So, I've been scouring the internet for all sorts of cool stuff that is both affordable and adequate for the people who deserve your love. As a result, I've compiled a list of links that you, my lovely audience, might appreciate. Check it, yo. Dudes, if you and yours enjoy DVDs this is the place you wanna be. Especially if you are addicted to anime series on DVD and detest the ridicules price you have to pay for 4 episodes. Okay, COULD go to the actual store and buy stuff but than you'd eliminate the purpose of this "internet" list. Anyways, I admit Hot Topic does have some pretty sweet clothes and assorted miscellaneous things. And, it's convenient if you happen to live and hour from the closest store. I love this place. It reeks of nostalgia and harkens us back to our childhood. If you know someone who still remembers the good times or someone who hasn't quite left those times behind, the swank from here is just right.
Okay, so now that I've sold my soul to capitalist Satan and spread the gospel of America, I bid you happy shopping and good luck!
-Olas Nich