11:08 PM April 2, 2004


    I just got home from watching the Dawn of the Dead remake. Personally, I love zombie movies...well, I love the whole zombie idea. Of all the horrible things mankind has thought up, the zombie theories have been some of the best. There are so many too. From the voodoo legends of  resurrection through spells and herbs, to the modern day virus method. So, tell me, why is it that the movies always avoid explaining what the hell the source is. I know Resident Evil is the acceptation to this, but only because it's a video game. I don't know about you, but this upsets me.

7:00 PM March 16, 2004

Why do I torture myself?

    I did something really stupid today. I didn't hit my head on anything, nor did I walk through the sliding screen door. No, this was much worse. Today, I sat down and read old letters from my ex-girlfriend.

    Now, I am depressed beyond all human understanding of depression. I read those words, so beautiful, written by someone I felt was so perfect. Words that were not only hers, but spoke of her undying love for me and my importance in her life. Soon after I questioned it all. Then I questioned human emotion and how bloody flawed it is. Was all of this true in truth, or only appeared true to her at that given moment?

    Words are so cheap. They might fill one up temporarily, but ultimately, they are lies without action. I urge everyone to not accept flattery and loving words as truth, unless backed up by works and physicality. It will save you much heartbreak in the future.

    And on that note, I apologize to those whom I have hurt or confused with my miserable lies.

10:47 AM March 4, 2004

I Love Thursdays...

    ...and here's why!

    Besides having to wake up earlier than any other day for an 8 o'clock lab, Thursday's rule. I have one class, no band practice, and no activities. And today is an especially kick ass Thursday because, Spring is finally here. Because I live in the south, I'm subject to strange weather patterns. I'm so glad I can finally wear shorts and sandals to class again.

    Did I ever mention that I HATE cold weather?

8:01 PM February 28, 2004

I thought I could make it out of this month without love...

    I felt an unruly amount of guilt for not updating. It's been years right? More like weeks but oh jeez, so much has been happening.

    Love has returned to my heart and let me say, it's not very welcome there. I'm getting closer to someone and it scares me. Not that I want to hate anyone nor do I wish to not feel this way about this girl, it's just that, well, I'm sick of getting involved with people and getting kicked in the face.  My last girlfriend has totally transformed into a demon who wants nothing more than to see my demise.

    Even when I'm blameless, I get blamed. Love hates me and I hate love.

    Some people get a feeling from amour that makes them giddy, euphoric, drunk, or creative. Love makes me nervous and highly queasy. Like a dog who's been beaten, I lower my head when love approaches for fear that I'll get smacked around again.

    Call me bitter or what have you, I don't care. For me at this moment, the only love I have is for my friends and my family. Romantic love can go screw itself.

11:01 PM February 12, 2004

My social life has reached an all time high.

    It has been 10 days since my last blog. Guys, I know, I suck. However, I've made a few new friends and am now a very busy young man. You'd think that because of this that I'd have a lot to blog about and heck, you're right. But I am very lazy, duh. You all know this. But, then again, until I get some negative feedback about the lack of entries, I'll just chill out and blog at my leisure. Deal wit it.

7:24 PM February 2, 2004

We're Screwed for 6 More Weeks

    Happy Groundhog's Day everyone. That damn rodent's goin' down!

7:52 PM February 1, 2004

The Double Duce!

    New out line and a new section. OMG you freaks are liek soooooo lucky!!!11

    Today I help mother unit 1 build one of those store bought, some assembly required bookshelves. I dunno, there's just something satisfying about screwing things into things. Mmm.

    On a totally tangent note, please sign my guestbook. I'd greatly appreciate it and it's very possible that if you too have a blog (or whatever) I would sign yours. Keep that in mind when you're working on your "karma."

12:20 PM January 29, 2004

Fun with hacks

    This week, a buddy and I found a way to "hack" a GameCube and play Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles a whole month before it's release here in the states. Let me just say, the game looks incredible and I'm so psyched that this actually works. If you want more details, you can contact me. I'd be happy to help you out.


7:40 PM January 27, 2004


    So, yeah. I finally updated - 10 days after my last post. I was actually kinda bullied into it by one of my silly friends. I haven't really that much to say, but I guess I can come up with something.

6:21 PM January 17, 2004

Flagrant error?!

    Yo yo! Bout time I said something else huh? New things are happening everyday! First off, I mentioned last week that I bought Beyond Good & Evil. Well, the game is awesome. Lovely visuals, great music and the storyline isn't half bad. Defiantly worth 20 smackers too.

    I've been real busy with school so sorry about the lack of updates. From now on, I'll try do get at east a new cam up everyday. No promises though amigos. I love you guys but sometimes I get lazy and sleep is oh so precious.

    I may be a little late in saying this but, Kill Bill is euphoric fun. I just saw it a few days ago. Quentin's best work yet and I can't wait till February!

One last thing. If you haven't gotten Winamp 5 yet...do yourself a favor and...get it.

    That's allz I got dudes. Thanks for your cooperation!

9:39 PM January 11, 2004


    Hey friends. Just dropped in to say that school has been taking up lots of my time. My RAM has decided to be gay and I desperately need another hard drive. But, this week, I've been very thankful for the things that I already have. Like, Beyond Good & Evil for $19.99. I'll post more once I'm more settled in.

The moral: "Be happy you have a computer."

4:10 PM January 5, 2004


    New layout! W00t!!

    That's all I got...