NOVEMBER 2003 Closet |
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8:09 November 28, 2003
Prince of Persia
Lately, I've been having some uber-problems with my FTP server. Not sure if it was my fault, or my modems fault, or even the server's fault. Who cares though, I fixed it and it's all gravy! Hehe...I'll take the credit! Anyways, If you haven't played Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time yet, you really should. Defiantly one of the more fun games that I've played in a long time. Although it only took me 10 hours to beat it, I'm really not disappointed. Although, if you like long games, I would recommend that you rent it, especially if you're a diehard gamer. Well, listen to me ramble. Have fun.
6:10 November 4, 2003
Behold; democracy.
It's truly an interesting process, voting. Filling in bubbles, secrecy, scandal, and conspiracy are only a few pieces involved in the democratic dark puzzle. Scanning over the long white page, I notice names that I've seen from signs that were literally infesting the country side and sides of buildings where I live. Names of people that vaguely sparked memories of campaign commercials and promises made by loopy politicians. I tried so hard to remember if those names held a special place in my voting mindset. Eventually though, I ended up simply filling in random bubbles. This, ladies and gentlemen, is where true liberty lies. So, when someone tells you to go vote, don't throw that famous finger and walk off, simply go vote and make fun use of a few minutes time. Happen upon a candidate you've never heard of? Vote for your dog instead. Chances are, Scruffy knows more about campaign finance reform than your random political celebrity.
I love you guys!
10:22 November 9, 2003
I feel useless :(
Sweet Jebus!! Do you ever have those weekends that you feel like you haven't earned but are so psyched when they finally arrive? Confused? Allow me to explain: sometimes, there are weeks that have just been so easy. Say you've had minimal classes, all of which are very easy, as well as plenty of time on your hands plus little or no stress at all. Now, choosing to use your spare time wisely causes your week to go flawlessly although you wait for that glorious weekend, even though it can't possibly go any better than your week has. So, you splurge. One may be so used to having crappy weeks that one looks to those shining days of end regardless of actually needing a break. Still with me?
Anyways, the point is that I didn't deserve this weekend and it turned out horribly. I won't even go into any of the gory details, but I will say that I slept way too much and had little change in routine. This alone has driven me mad. I feel that I'll need a few days to recover. I feel really useless.
C'est la vive.
All isn't lost though, so don't despair. DSL is coming to Suite O this week. This could mean that A: I'll be more useless or B: I'll be happier. We shall see. At least now though, I'll be able to blog more regularly. Perhaps venting may help to lift my mood.
Oh, and one more thing. I'm about to move Kung Fu Suit to a better server because these ads are driving me fucking bonkers. If anybody knows of any good places to get some reliable web space that also deals with domain registry, please contact me. Much obliged.
Have a great summer!
11:08 November 20, 2003
Procrastination is NEVER a good thing.
A word to the wise, if you are ever tempted to put something off; don't. This also goes for remembering important stuff and getting it taken care of as soon as possible. I just realized this the hard way. You see, last week, because my GPA was such a big number, I was able to pre-register my classes for spring semester. That's all fine and dandy and all is well, until I forget/put off getting my schedule processed. Now, here I sit, way past deadline and without registered classes. Because of this, all of those great courses I had planned on taking will probably be filled before I can register in January. So, folks, please. Don't procrastinate...unless you REALLY don't wanna do something.
Peace and Love throughout the Multiverse,