OCTOBER 2003 Closet


1:13 October 19, 2003

Flipped upside down and inside out

           My best friend Chris, aka 'Kornbread' has been kicked out of the dorm at college.  No doubt, a huge blow to the entertainment factor that is Attala Hall. Now, only Jonathan, Spike and I remain. The fellowship has been rent asunder, but still must not fail! Although Spike had his comp yanked by his rents, there's always the 'cube and endless hours of stupidity.  Joy?

          About Kornbread though. For weeks now, he's wanted nothing more than to get the hell out of that stupid school. First he dropped below hours, making him have to move out. Then after last weeks football game, he was too tired to go home so he stayed over in his old room. He got caught on purpose to give him a reason to quit school. Sure enough, he did. I don't blame him. It was his 3rd year at a lame ass 2 year school. That's my boy!

          Did you notice also, the new layout? I just got so bored of the old one, I knew it desperately needed a change. I've decided to take out the forums too, mainly from lack of use. I know I really need a legitimate URL  as well and some web space, but I can't afford that crap and frankly I don't know if it's really necessary right now for me to invest anything but time.

          Speaking of time, I don't have much left. I've been franticly searching the internet for info on colleges that offer what I want to do. Thus far, no dice. I'm still a bit wary about the technical institutes too because I REALLY don't want a job doing IT. I want something fun and creative, not some tech support or network admin BS.


3:32 pm October 10

The Incredible Disappearing Guy

     My people! For the past 3 weeks I've been SO friggin' busy! RECAP!

        3 weeks ago, some of us geeks got together and had a little LANage goin' down. Something that's not really all that different for me, but I got some serious downloading done because of the DSL. Woo buddy.

        Last week, my brother got married. It was so...beautiful? Sure...why not. The whole 'ceremony lasted perhaps 10 minutes, which ruled. I HATE long drawn out weddings. When my cousin got married I thought I was going to explode for sheer boredom. She's catholic and they love boring things.

        And lastly, this week: MIDTERMS with a Saturday football game to cap it all off. Dammit! The midterms all turned out good so I'll buy myself and ice cream cone later. I miss free time and the internet, but all this activity has actually been kinda refreshing. I promise readers, NEXT week I will have much updatage!

       Until then....adieu.