September 2003 Closet


7:12 pm September 19

Nature is cool.

     Behold, Isabelle in all her fury!!!

2:08 pm September 12


     Whadda say we take all plans for anything good, throw them out the window then, put our tank in reverse and back over said plans a couple times? As far as weekday updates go, don't count on it. My roommate is ALWAYS online. Also, it seems that I'm not eligible for work study. Isn't that dandy? This means: N=p^2 where N is equal to Nick and p is equal to poor. But now is not the time to whine and complain. I must stay strong and fight the evil forces working against me.

     I'm such a dork.

     Peace. Word.

12:26 pm September 7

ph33r my blog punctuality!

     Hey people! I'm back and finally blogging for the weekend. Luckily, now I can post during the week again so dry those eyes loyal fans. (Who am I kidding?) Anyways, not too much has happened today except that I've been working hard on my first true-blue attempt at CG. It's a fanart of the ever beautiful Rinoa from Final Fantasy 8. Check it out and tell me what you think. Domo arigato amigos!